Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Yoga…the journey

We come to the mat with deep attachments, lots of emotions, tightness, instability, fears and maybe even the hope of some miracle of healing.  We forget that yoga is a journey of the soul.  It’s like peeling away layers of an onion when we have deep seated emotions and other attachments which we are trying to release.    The outer layer may seem easy; releasing tightness, gaining strength, getting to know the poses, but the inner layer – releasing the deep stuff may take a lot of patience, strength and letting go.

When we recognize the patterns that no longer serve us we begin the process of changing.  We may have deep attachments to thought patterns, pain, situations, past events, etc.  These types of situations are the heart of our practice.  Learning a new way of being…..going down to the core of who we really are.  Our true self.  We need to have faith, trust, a positive outlook on ourselves and the will of letting go.  These issues keep arising until we examine the feelings behind them, accept the feeling and then let go.  It can be a grueling process.  The ego tries its hardest to hold on.  But with the knowledge of realizing we are not out thoughts, bodies or emotions we can begin the process of peeling away the layers of unconscious.  Some of us may first come to the mat with the hopes of gaining strength, flexibility, toning our bodies but we end up with so much more.  Some attachments are really deep and can be tough to overcome but with patience, persistence and a strong will, it can be done.  Non-attachment is needed.  Coming to practice with an intention but not attaching to the outcome.  It is a long journey but one well worth taking.  We come away a bit lighter both physically and mentally and seeing ourselves in a new light.  Persistence……we may fall down in a pose but we always get back up. When we learn to do it without attachment and a big smile, it makes the journey a lot more fun.  I wish you the best of luck on your journey filled with Light, Peace and Love.  Blessings.


Carmela Danna completed her teacher training in March 2006 at Yoga Works, New York. She has since attended various workshops in continuing education. She left her full time job in Princeton, NJ to pursue her passion of teaching yoga. Yoga has been a big influence in her life and she wants to share her passion of yoga. Aside from a regular asana practice, Carmela enjoys restorative yoga and meditation.
Yoga Plus Herbs, Marlboro Plaza, Intersection of Rte 9 and Rte 520 in Marlboro, NJ 07726, 732-617-2020,, info at yogaplusherbs dot com

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Swastha - Established in the Self

 What is health?  For one thing, health is much more than the mere absence of disease.  In fact, it is the most dynamic state of your being, expressed as robust physical energy, mental clarity, joy, and a deep spiritual connection. Ayurveda's calls this state Swastha,  meaning established in the Self.  To be healthy, you must be firmly established in yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  Your doshas (vata, pitta, kapha) must be perfectly balanced, your appetite and digestion(agni) well balanced, your tissues well nourished and functioning properly, and all the different types of waste products and excretory functions must be at optimum.  But, that's not all.  Your mind, senses, even your identity must be firmly established in bliss! 

  Obviously, health is multi-dimensional.  It is also dynamic.  Dynamic means that to be and stay healthy we must seamlessly create a new equilibrium with our environment whenever it changes.  The environment has several components: physical (seasons, etc.), societal, mental, emotional, and spiritual.  Furthermore, these various environments are in constant flux. Being healthy, established in one's self, allows you to easily adapt to all the changes you face day-by-day and moment-to-moment.  Reciprocally, by adapting you stay healthy.  You could say that health allows one to "roll with the punches." 

  Most importantly, a true definition of health indicates the inseparable link between the microcosm and the macrocosm.  All the forces of nature that are "outside" are also within each individual.  Health is intimately interwoven with and inseparable from this greater universal intelligence.  Ayurveda's definition of health reflects and expresses the fundamental and underlying universal order governing all of life.

James L. Pace is an Ayurvedic practitioner, educator, and author. Involved in the practice of Ayurveda for over 20 years, he is a graduate of New Mexico's Ayurvedic Institute and its advanced program, in Pune, India. For the past seven years, he has trained in the SVA tradition under the personal guidance of its living custodian...the world-renowned Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra.
JMr. Pace offers the following health services at Yoga + Herbs:
  • The Transdermal Marma System (TMS) for Health & Relief of Imbalances
  • The Blissful Beauty Ayurvedic Marma Facelift for Inner, Outer, and Lasting Beauty
  • Vibrational Cleansing Package (VCP balances the negative effects of EMFs)

Yoga Plus Herbs, Marlboro Plaza, Intersection of Rte 9 and Rte 520 in Marlboro, NJ 07726, 732-617-2020,, info at yogaplusherbs dot com